Godrej Sustainability Report

Employment Occupational Health and Safety Training and Education Non-discrimination Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Local Communities Marketing and Labelling Socioeconomic Compliance Within G&B Within G&B Within G&B Within G&B Within G&B Outside G&B Outside G&B Within G&B • Employees • Local Communities • Employees • Employees • Employees • Employees • Local Community • Customers • Dealers • Investors • Local Community SOCIAL Permanent and contract workforce of the organisation, approach towards local employment and benefits provided to it Ensuring health & safety of all individuals at the workplace through risk assessment, regular trainings and awareness sessions Skill upgradation, continuous learning and performance review for the workforce An organisation is expected to avoid discriminating against any person on any grounds, including avoiding discrimination against workers at work Collective bargaining is a key means through which employers and their organisations and trade unions can establish fair wages and working conditions, and ensure equal opportunities between women and men. Relationship with the local community, including the community engagement and development programmes and their impact Fair and responsible marketing communications, as well as access to information about the composition of products, and their proper use and disposal, can help customers to make informed choices. An organisation’s overall compliance record, as well as compliance with specific laws or regulations in the social and economic area. IDENTIFIED MATERIAL TOPICS DEFINITION STAKEHOLDERS IMPACTED SIGNIFICANT IMPACT 31